Knives, Peelers & How to Use Them

Whether it be a simple lime wedge or a thick grapefruit peel – we require a set of tools behind the bar to allow us to cut, slice, peel and portion. Being familiar with these tools will give you confidence, improved consistency and speed of service. Let’s look at some staples that every bar should be equipped with:
1. The Serrated Pairing Knife Sharp, versatile and inexpensive – these knives are your safest choice for cutting citrus fruit into wedges, slices and wheels. They are perfect for pitting – and though it takes a bit of practice, the blade bends just enough to allow you to work around the peel, preserving just the portion that you want.
2. The Sharp Pointy Pairing Knife. These are best for more precise work. Such as the trimming of excess citrus fruit core in wedges and slices – or trimming the exterior portions of citrus peels.
3. The Classic Peeler Peelers are a great tool for consistency and speed when needing a lot of same size and thickness citrus peels. Simply apply different levels of pressures to adjust thickness.
Do not take your tools for granted – a good set will drastically improve your bartending day-to-day execution. Look after your knives and peelers – and they will look after you.