Capacitación - Campari Academy Fri, 16 Feb 2024 19:51:48 +0000 es-AR hourly 1 Amore Milano por Presidente Bar Mon, 02 Oct 2023 13:47:11 +0000


30 ML Campari

30 ML Whisky Escocés

30 ML Almíbar simple

15 ML Limón

45 ML Pomelo Fresco

2 Dash Bitter aromático

Decoración: Menta y Pomelo

Cristalería: Vaso corto

Método: Batido y Doble Colado

Hielo: Hielo rolo/entero

4 recetas con Kombucha por Ale Caia Tue, 12 Sep 2023 21:02:23 +0000
El bartender Ale Caia nos comparte 4 increíbles recetas para sumar kombucha a tus cócteles.

1. Snack de Brote Hidropónico de Maíz Pisingallo 
Con Amaro Averna y hielo

  • Comenzar con bonitas piedras de hielo.
  • Poner una onza y media de Amaro Averna.  
  • Completar con kombucha de café y algarroba de Aloja Fermentos.
  • Incorporar perfume de piel de naranja

2. Kombucha de Frutillas con Campari a 16 gr

  • Mediante método de evaporación controlada, reducimos la graduación del Campari Bitter y reservamos
  • Luego colocamos en un vaso trago largo con una barra del mejor hielo cristalino.
  • Terminamos con la kombucha de frutillas de Aloja Fermentos y garnish de Frutilla deshidratada, piel y perfume de limas.

3. Aperol con Kombucha de HIbisco y Jengibre

  • Cocinar a baja temperatura rodajas de mandarinas previamente deshidratadas.
  • Luego reservar para colocar en un vaso Collins con una barra Collins Cristalina y completar con la kombucha de hibisco y jengibre de Aloja Fermentos
  • Por último, agregar garnish media rodaja de mandarina y piel de la fruta

4. Cinzano bianco de cítricos y Kombucha pomelo

  • Comenzar con bonitas piedras de hielo.
  • Poner una onza y media de Amaro Averna.  
  • Completar con kombucha de café y algarroba de Aloja Fermentos.
  • Incorporar perfume de piel de naranja

Prueba estas recetas y comparte los resultados con tu comunidad de bartenders. 

Si aún no conoces mucho sobre la kombucha, ingresa a nuestro artículo

Y si quieres preparar cocktails imperdibles, podés ingresar a nuestra sección “Recetas”

Recetario Autóctono por Gustavo Brizuela Tue, 05 Sep 2023 18:33:29 +0000 Autóctono es un proyecto que invita a sumar nuevos ingredientes a nuestros cócteles. Cada región del país es importante para ampliar las alternativas y las posibilidades de crear nuevos sabores y destacar un estilo de coctelería regional.

El objetivo es lograr una identidad propia que nos represente, incorporando ingredientes característicos de cada región, sus sabores y saberes culturales.

Conectá con los sabores argentinos con esta

Analizando el Mai-Tai con Matías Merlo Thu, 29 Jun 2023 13:40:20 +0000
¿Qué se puede decir que no se haya dicho aún sobre el cóctel más famoso a base de Rum? 

Su historia es tan grande que ayudó a toda la categoría de rones a crecer en prestigio y estatus por sobre encima de los otros destilados de moda, dándole crecimiento y popularidad a su consumo, tanto así lo fue, que los dos principales protagonistas de la coctelería norteamericana y cultura Tiki se disputaron el ser los creadores de su receta. 

Para quienes sientan la curiosidad de indagar más sobre la “paternidad” del Mai-Tai  entre los dos pesos pesados de la coctelería Tiki, Trader Vic y Don the Beachcomber, el historiador y “Arqueólogo” de cócteles tiki -Beachbum Berry- se encargó de recaudar información y hacer una investigación super precisa en su libro “Remixed”.

A cada persona que se acerca por vez primera al mundo Tiki la recomendación sigue siendo la misma: empezá por probar un Mai-Tai. En su complejidad de ingredientes, balance en la composición y simpleza en boca, está la clave. Hay tan solo un puñado de cócteles considerados “clásicos de clásicos” que tengan tanta cantidad de ingredientes como el Mai-Tai.

Ahora bien, ¿cuál es el paradero actual de este cóctel? ¿Aún conserva el título del cóctel más emblemático de la cultura Tki? Por su sabor y balance, ¿sigue teniendo la misma cantidad de adeptos a pesar del cambio en los paladares por el correr de las décadas?

Vayamos por partes, ó por onzas…

Durante mucho tiempo fue difícil determinar cuál es la receta histórica definitiva de este cóctel ya que, existen tantas formas de prepararlo como hay de personas para beberlo. Historias de traición, misterio y hasta magia negra encierran la preparación de este cóctel, algo que verdaderamente me fascina y prefiero conservar en ese imaginario. 

En esta oportunidad me gustaría analizarlo desde otro ángulo, tomando como promedio a las miles de recetas que hay sobre él y poder así definir su arquitectura para estudiar cada uno de sus puntos. Para ello voy a teorizar haciendo un repaso de su presencia a lo largo de la última década en el Tiki Bar Mar del Plata y de los lugares que pude visitar y conocer sobre su status. Veamos cada uno de sus ingredientes comenzando por el Spirit base; el Rum, al que para acercarse al perfil de Rum utilizado inicialmente, no fue suficiente con utilizar uno solo sino que se necesitó de varios perfiles distintos del mismo Spirit para conformar uno con múltiples capas y matices. Rones secos, otros con más caramelo o densidad en cuerpo y un último con mayor potencia alcohólica y perfume etílico. Todos se combinan para formar uno nuevo, único, creando el adecuado para este cóctel. 

La acidez de la lima junto con la del licor de naranjas de Curaçao resultan un cítrico bien marcado, pero no tan pronunciado, un “pelito” amargo por la selección de naranjas en el licor y lo justo para que la saliva generada en boca atenúe el golpe de entrada en el primer sorbo. 

La horchata aporta notas lácticas y frutos secos, lo que ayuda a conformar la sedosidad y cuerpo a todos los líquidos. 

Por último el garnish fresco y perfumado, con un penacho de menta y un gajo de lima, abren las fosas nasales y permite sentir mejor el aroma en cada sorbo. Que esto sea en un vaso old fashioned repleto de hielo partido aportando frío de forma inmediata, sumando un permanente suministro de agua proveniente del deshielo y atenuando su graduación alcohólica con el pasar de los minutos.

Estos 5 puntos principales hacen que en su arquitectura sea un cóctel definitivamente único, capaz de trascender en el tiempo sin importar las modas de turno o el cambio de paladares. 

Durante los 13 años del Tiki Bar Mar del Plata, este cóctel junto con el Zombie fueron y serán los embajadores y síntesis del sabor tropical universal. La receta que preparamos en el bar fue modificada en incontables oportunidades, todas fruto de nuevos conocimientos o estudios, capaces de conferirles mejoras sutiles. Debo decir que Machi Martinez ha sido una pieza clave en la investigación para el perfeccionamiento de esta receta en el bar. 

Estos ingredientes o técnicas convocan a que, como resultado, se sientan más propios al goce del paladar argentino y a que conserven un precio competitivo en la conformación del blend de rones. Uno seco, otro dulce y en menor proporción un rum o cachaza brasileña para el “acento” alcohólico. 

El Curaçao lo reemplazamos por Hesperidina, el licor más emblemático de nuestro país, a base de corteza de naranjas amargas o agrias y dulces de frutos inmaduros. En la horchata de almendras, partimos tostando las almendras, para que liberen los aceites y que en las partes más “Quemaditas” aporten carbono y una capa extra de sabor en la mezcla posterior con el almíbar. 

Por último a  la acidez la reforzamos elaborando un óleo con las cáscaras sobrantes del resultado del jugo de lima y otros cítricos de uso cotidiano en el bar. El broche de oro en este cóctel es utilizar la misma cáscara de lima con la que se exprimió el jugo, darla vuelta y llenarla de rum para prenderla fuego, logrando con ese impacto visual terminar de encerrar toda la teatralidad polinésica que tiene el Tiki. 

Matías Merlo-Cantinero de Mar 

1oz Rum dorado

1oz Rum dry o silver

1/2oz de cachaça

1/2oz Hesperidina

1/2oz Jugo de lima

1/2oz Orchata

1/4oz de Almíbar 1.1

1 dash óleo cítrico. 

Garnish: Penacho de menta y gajo de lima


150g Almendras previamente tostadas

300g Azúcar

300cc Agua caliente

1,5 Bsp Goma Xantica

1,5 Bsp goma arábiga

100ml de Brandy

Pizca de sal

-Activar las almendras por 3h en agua con la pizca de sal.

-Descartar el agua y tostarlas.

-Agregar en una licuadora el resto de los ingredientes dejando para lo último el Brandy.

Óleo cítrico:

Partes iguales de azúcar blanca y cáscaras de cítricos (80% de limas en lo posible)

por 48hs en frío. 

-Filtrar y embotellar.

Prepará esta receta y experimentá el sabor del Mai-Tai de Tiki Bar Mar del Plata. 

Y si te gusto este contenido, compartilo con tu bartender amigo. 

Juntos nos inspiramos y crecemos. 

Para más recetas ingresá a nuestra sección: inspiración.

Vasos para mezclar cócteles y el arte de revolver Tue, 02 May 2023 14:44:52 +0000

Muchas bebidas clásicas, como el Martini o el Manhattan, generalmente se revuelven en un vaso mezclador o un vaso de precipitados con hielo, antes de colarse en su recipiente final. El acto de revolver se realiza para combinar suavemente todos los ingredientes, mantener una textura sedosa, controlar la dilución y preservar la claridad, sin incorporar burbujas de aire innecesarias. Hay muchos debates sobre cuál es el mejor recipiente para remover un cóctel; algunos prefieren el vidrio al metal, o viceversa. El metal se calienta y se enfría más rápido que el vidrio, por lo que consume menos energía. Sin embargo, un vaso mezclador grueso tendrá más masa térmica y podrá absorber más energía. Por lo tanto, preenfriar un vaso mezclador lo hará mejor que una lata de metal sin enfriar. Cuando las recetas requieren que un cóctel sea revuelto y colado: 

-Mide los ingredientes en el vaso mezclador y llenalos con hielo 

-Desliza la cuchara al fondo del vaso mezclador y revuelve suavemente alrededor de la pared interior. 

-Revuelve a un ritmo constante durante aproximadamente 30 segundos, o hasta que la cantidad adecuada de hielo se desplome en el líquido.

-Coloca un colador Julep en el recipiente de mezcla y cuela el contenido.

No te olvides enjuagar el recipiente con agua fría y ¡prepárate para tu próximo cóctel!

Discover Wild Turkey, the bourbon from Wild Turkey Hill Sun, 15 May 2022 17:45:29 +0000 History

The Wild Turkey brand has been around for 80 years – and has now become one of the ‘legacy’ Bourbon distilleries of Kentucky. Bourbon has been made on The Wild Turkey Hill since the 1860s – but for the better part of the last seven decades – the distillery has been run by the Russell Family. Jimmy Russell began his journey with Wild Turkey back in 1954 – and remains one of the brand’s Master Distillers. Jimmy himself is the reason Wild Turkey has retained a traditional style of bourbon – utilising practices dating back to before prohibition.   His son, Eddie Russell, started back in 1981 – and in 2015 – he became co-master distiller with his father. Today – Jimmy and Eddie stay true to their values – and traditional methods – by continuing to craft an incredible portfolio of Bourbon and Rye whiskies up on Wild Turkey Hill.


Wild Turkey focuses on traditional methods to produce their whiskies. They are a one-distillery operation – which means that every drop of Wild Turkey around the world comes from the same place. Its production starts with non-GMO corn, rye and barley cooked together with Kentucky limestone water – and then fermented with Wild Turkey’s proprietary yeast strain. After fermentation, the liquid travels over to the stills for distillation. Uniquely – Wild Turkey distill and barrel their whiskies at a lower proof than the legal maximum, to add less water and retain more flavour. From there – the resultant spirit is left to mature in char American white oak barrels. This is where Wild Turkey gets its sweet and spicy flavour – as well as its deep auburn colour. Batch size, barrel selection, age and bottle-proof are some of the ways Wild Turkey create their different expressions – – though ultimately, it all comes down to the expert palate and years of experience that master distillers Jimmy and Eddie Russell bring to every bottle.

Portfolio & Tasting Notes

Wild Turkey’s portfolio showcases a range of different expressions

Wild Turkey Straight Bourbon is 81 proof and aged at least 5 years. It has a distinct sweetness, with notes of vanilla, pear and sweet oak.

Wild Turkey 101 Bourbon is aged 6 to 8 years and at 101 proof – offering a richer flavour and spice. Caramel, cinnamon and notes of orange peel linger on the palate long after you take a sip.

Wild Turkey 101 Rye is aged at least 5 years and is a great example of a balanced rye whiskey. It’s flavour has plenty of herbal rye spice followed by sweetness on the finish.

Rare Breed Bourbon was one of the first barrel proof bourbons on the market and is bottled at 116.8 proof. It combines 6, 8 and 12-year-old barrels of bourbon to create a unique and robust flavour profile.

Rare Breed Rye is also barrel proof and delivers tons of flavour. It combines 4, 6, and 8-year-old rye barrels. At 112.2 proof it has great baking spice and notes of pepper.

Finally – Kentucky Spirit Single Barrel Bourbon is bottled one barrel at a time. The barrels are selected after ageing at least 8-years – and are bottled at 101 proof. Each barrel is unique, but you can expect notes of toffee, almond and berries So explore with Wild Turkey’s portfolio behind your bar, and enjoy!

Key Message on the Product

The Wild Turkey distillery has a long, rich history – and the brand’s father-son master distiller duo have been working in the bourbon business for over 100 years combined. They use all non-GMO corn, rye, and barley malt in their two mash bills – which make up all bourbons and ryes, respectively. They also use a proprietary yeast strain – and after fermentation – distill and barrel the whiskies at a lower proof than the legal maximum to retain more flavour and add less water.   No. 4 char barrels give the whiskies extra depth of flavour and that deep auburn colour. Despite the economic pressure bourbon makers faced for several decades, when the spirit was not as popular as it once was, or is today – the Russell’s have never edited or compromised their process – or their recipe – remaining true to their values and traditional practices.

Hero Cocktail: Bold Fashioned

The BOLD Fashioned is what you get when you take the timeless OldFashioned cocktail and make it with the classic BOLD flavour of Wild Turkey 101 bourbon. Start with…

  • 2 dashes of Aromatic bitters.
  • Then add ¼ part simple syrup.
  • Followed by 2 parts of the classic BOLD Wild Turkey 101 bourbon.
  • Now you are ready to add your ice.

Use good quality ice so your BOLD Fashioned stays nice and cold. • Lastly, express the oils and garnish with an orange peel. Cheers!

Trois Rivieres – A unique portfolio of rum spirits Sun, 15 May 2022 17:45:29 +0000 History

Born over 3 centuries ago, the Trois Rivières Plantation has become an integral part of Martinique’s historical heritage. Founded in 1660, the plantation is bordered by the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean – where the sun beats strong and the sugarcane stalks grow in clay soils that are rich in magnesium. From this truly unique terroir, Trois Rivières creates its crafted A.O.C rhum. In 1996, Trois Rivières obtained the “AOC” label – which means every single step of the production is highly regulated. The AOC board even samples the liquid at every single stage of production, to guarantee its quality. Trois Rivières is also unique thanks to its skilled cellar blender, Daniel Baudin – awarded ‘Best rum master distiller’ in 2019. As one of the most awarded agricole rhum brand in the world – with a collection of 250 awards in the last 5 years – Trois Rivières is a truly unique portfolio of spirits in the world rum.


There are 2 methods of producing rum: The first and most common is molasses rum – produced by fermenting and distilling molasses, a byproduct of the sugar industry. The rums from Trois Rivières however, are mainly Agricole rhum – or pure cane rum – produced by fermenting and distilling pure & fresh sugarcane juice. Trois Rivières Cuvée de l’Océan has been developed solely from the juice of sugarcane raised on the waterfront of the sunny plot of Anse Trabaud – located in the extreme south of Martinique. This unique terroir – together with fermentation techniques specially designed by Trois Rivières’ Master Blender – gives the spirit its particular taste and aromatic style: It’s colour is crystal-clear. It has enticing notes of sugarcane flowers – with notes of bread and yeast coming forth after airing. Its taste is robust, rich, dense and amazingly mineral. Briny ocean flavours perfectly mingle with green notes of sugarcane. Trois Rivières Cuvée de l’Océan has a finish that is long, unique – and sure to stay with you long after you drink.

Hero Cocktail

The Daiquiri is a global favorite – and perfect cocktail to taste the complexity of white rum. Fill a shaker with plenty of ice – and add:

6cl of Trois Rivières Cuvee de L’Ocean

2cl Fresh Lime Juice

1.5cl of cane sugar syrup.

Shake hard – and then strain into a coupe glass – – and garnish with a lime coin Salute!

Discover Montelobos mezcal – the sustainable agave spirit Sun, 15 May 2022 17:45:29 +0000 History

Montelobos is a mezcal born from the passions of several innovative individuals. Don Abel Lopez, an expert of artisanal mezcal craft initially came together with Dr. Iván Saldaña, a Biochemist specialising in the agave plant. Using sustainable farming practices, they created Montelobos Espadín – the most complex yet balanced mezcal on the market. In 2015 – Dr. Iván Saldaña then joined forces with Don Aaron Alva, a fifth-generation mezcalero – to explore the flavours of other agave varieties – as well as organic farming techniques for wild agave. The result was something special – Montelobos Tobalá. The Tobalá agave takes ten to fourteen years to reach full maturity – and in the past, could only be found in mountains that were very difficult to access. Compared to Espadín – its Tobalá’s pina is noticeably smaller at maturation – and it takes approximately 8 Tobala plants to match the yield of a single cultivated Espadin agave. Try both spirits and see where the taste of Montelobos mezcal takes you.


Montelobos mezcal is produced using the same artisanal methods that have existed for centuries. 100% cultivated and certified organic agave are hand-harvested one by one – once the agave has reached its level of maturity. The piñas are then added to an underground pit filled with volcanic stone – and heated with wood . They are covered with spent fibres, topped with dirt – and roasted for approximately four-to-seven days (depending on the type of agave). For the Espadin, the cooked agave is then crushed using a traditional single Cantera stone, pulled by a mule. For the Tobala, the agave heart is cut into pieces by hand with a machete and then passed through the mechanical shredder mill. The agave is then fermented for five-to-seven days in open-air vats – utilising the ambient microorganisms of the environment to jumpstart the fermentation process. Finally, the mezcal is twice distilled in copper mills – using the pure heart of the distillate, discarding heads and tails. The result – a clean, crisp, and very balanced mezcal – ready to bottled and enjoyed around the world.

Portfolio and Tasting Notes

Unlike traditional mezcal, where smoke and wood aromas dominate.

Montelobos Espadín reveals fresh cut grass, wet soil, honey, and ash. It provides a balanced taste profile with a sophisticated integration of roasted agave, herbacity, and smoke.

Montelobos Tobalá is made from 100% Tobalá agave – and offers a unique experience with aromas of lime, green pepper, and pear. On the palate there are fruity citrus notes, fig confit, and fresh herbs.

Montelobos Ensamble is the perfect marriage of three exceptional agave strains : Papalote, Espadín and Tobalá. The taste of cooked and green agave is particularly striking here with notes of caramel, wet soil, and smoke.

Montelobos Pechuga Mezcal distills Espadín Mezcal a third time – using a turkey breast, local fruits and spices.

This unique distillation process reveals aromas of fruitcake, orange jam, and nutmeg – along with flavours of tropical fruit and maple syrup. Though differing in taste and flavour – all of Montelobos’ Portfolio is produced with the same artisanal methods that have been used to create mezcal for centuries. Explore the range and see where it takes you!

Key Message on the Product

Some key points to remember on Montelobos:

  • Montelobos was born from the vision and passion of Dr. Iván Saldaña – a biochemist specialising in the agave plant.
  • Iván’s scientific understanding – combined with the knowledge of the Master ‘Mezcaleros’ – enables Montelobos to highlight unique sensory experiences in every bottle.
  • Montelobos utilises a full 50/50 partnership with the Maestro Mezcaleros and their families. This means the families own the name, mezcal and palenque – just as much as the brand do.  
  • Montelobos is an Artisanal mezcal utilising copper pot stills heated by wood fire and distilled twice.
  • Montelobos utilises sustainable cultivation practices in the farming of the Agave – and is certified organic in 3 countries: Mexico, Europe and the US.
  • Montelobos utilises wild fermentation in the production of their mescals – using the ambient microorganisms of the environment to jumpstart the fermentation process.

Montelobos Tobalá is strictly produced in Puebla – and Montelobos Espadín is produced in Oaxaca – Ensuring that the culture and people of Mexico is inside every drop of liquid.

Espolòn tequila and the art of tequila production Sun, 15 May 2022 17:45:29 +0000 History

Espolòn’s Master Distiller – or Maestro Tequilero – Cirilo Oropeza, spent decades learning both the science of distillation and the art of tequila making. He dedicated himself to his dream of creating a superior tequila that could be accessible to everyone. In 1995 – he met a fellow Mexican entrepreneur who shared his ambition – and within a year they has built a new distillery 2000m above sea level in the highlands of Jalisco, Mexico. It was here that Cirilo’s passion was unleashed – combining his background in chemical engineering – with over 50 years of distilling experience. In 1998 – the very first bottles of Espolòn began shipping all over the world. Cirilo named his tequila for the spur of the iconic rooster – a historic symbol of strength, nobility, and national pride in Mexico. Created using a combination of traditional and modern techniques, Espolòn is hailed as a superior tequila – and is favoured by bartenders around the world.


From cooking through to bottling – all steps of Espolòn’s production are housed in one facility – Casa San Nicolas in Arandas, Jalisco. Once harvested – the Agave are roasted – before being pressed using mechanical roller mills, to extract the juice that will be fermented. During the fermentation process, sugars are transformed into alcohol using a strain of yeast that affects body, flavour, and aroma. This process takes approximately between 70 and 80 hours. Next, the agave wort, or “mosto,” is heated to evaporate the alcohol, which is then condensed and collected. Distillation takes place twice, with the heads and tails cut off each time to preserve only the best of the liquid. Espolòn Reposado and Anejo age in American oak barrels – featuring a lighter No. 2 char – to impart more subtle caramel and vanilla notes and to let the distillate flavour shine. The spirit goes into the barrel at 42% ABV – with less water added before bottling – to ensure that when poured, Espolòn’s complex flavour arrives in a big way.

Portfolio and Tasting Notes

Espolòn Tequila Blanco is an un-aged tequila. It is clear – with a platinum cast – and has aromas of sweet agave, florals, tropical fruit, and lemon zest, with a hint of pepper. Espolòn Tequila Blanco has an elegant, clean finish that ends with a hint of spice – perfect for signature cocktails such as the the Espolòn Paloma and the Espolòn Margarita.

Espolòn Tequila Reposado is rested for at least two months in American oak barrels – which give it its rich, golden hue. It has a bold, round palate – medium-to-full-bodied flavour – with a taste of rich, roasted agave, sweet tropical fruit, vanilla, and brown spices, with a long spicy finish. Espolòn Tequila Reposado is best served neat or on the rocks – or in a light cocktail such as a Reposado Mule.

Espolòn Añejo Tequila is aged at least 12 months in American oak barrels – and finished in Wild Turkey bourbon barrels, which provide a beautifully bright, reddish-gold hue. This tequila has a complex aroma – a medium- to full-bodied, balanced taste – with subtle notes of caramel, vanilla, dried fruits, and chocolate. Espolòn Añejo Tequila can be enjoyed neat or on the rocks – or in a signature cocktail such as an Añejo Old Fashioned.

Key Message on the Product

Some key points to remember on Espolon Tequila:

  • With over 50 years of expertise, visionary master distiller – the late Cirilo Oropeza – was responsible for bringing Espolòn Tequila to the world.
  • Espolòn Tequila is a testament to Cirilo’s pioneering spirit and named after the spur of the rooster – a powerful symbol of Mexican pride.
  • The rooster, Ramón, is the icon of Espolòn – and is featured on the label of every bottle.
  • Espolòn is made in the highlands of the Jalisco region of Mexico – known to be the premier region for making Tequila.
  • Only 100% Blue Weber Agave goes into the tequila – hand-harvested when the agave’s matured and the sugar content is perfect.
  • The spirit is made from a blend of pot still and column still distillates – for a flavour that is bright and full, with notes of citrus and pepper. In summary – Espolòn Tequila is a tribute to Mexican culture – that pays homage to the true essence of the people and the land itself.

Hero cocktail – Paloma

Though its true origin is contested – the one fact that we can be sure of – is that the Paloma is a global icon. The signature cocktail perfectly showcases the utility of Espolòn Tequila and is guaranteed to hold fast as a mainstay in bars for decades to come. Start with a collins glass – fill with ice – and add:

  • 2 Parts Espolòn® Tequila Blanco
  • 0.25 Part Fresh Lime Juice
  • Pinch of Salt And top with grapefruit soda. Gently stir with straw and garnish with Grapefruit ribbon. Cheers!
Unlock the Agave spirits world Sun, 15 May 2022 17:45:29 +0000 Tequila

Mexico has a rich history of spirits – the most famous of which – is Tequila. Tequila is produced from 100% Blue Weber agave – hand harvested at an average of 5 years. After harvesting, the agave piñas are roasted to convert the plant starches into fermentable sugars. The freshly cooked agaves are then pressed – traditionally with a Tahona stone – to extract the juice that will be fermented. During the 3 day fermentation process, sugars are transformed into alcohol using strains of yeast that affect body, flavour, and aroma. Following distillation – the heads and tails of the distillate are cut off to preserve only the best of the liquid – resulting in the final Tequila. There are three main styles of Tequila: • Blanco Tequila is designated as un-aged tequila and is recognisable by its crystal-clear appearance. • Reposado Tequila is rested for at least two months in American oak barrels – and can be identified by the resulting rich-golden hue. • Añejo Tequila must be aged at least 12 months in American oak barrels – which imbue the spirit with a bright, reddish-gold hue. Tequila is enjoyed around the world – either on its own – or as the base ingredient to the most popular cocktail in modern history – the Margarita.


Mezcal is the only spirit on the planet that is born aged – as producers must wait years to harvest the raw material. Agave are hand harvested for Mezcal – and are commonly cooked in a traditional ground pit – in order to convert starches to fermentable sugars. Once the Agave is cooked – it must be crushed to extract the juice for fermentation – using methods ranging from hand mortar crushing to mechanical shredders. Fermentation vessels come in various sizes and materials – such as Pinewood or Oak vats – that impact the final taste of the product. The fermented wash is loaded – then heated with wood, gas or steam to start the evaporation process. A product is usually distilled twice in both pot and column still distillation processes. Additional processes that impact flavour may be employed during or after production. Processes such as barrel ageing – commonly used with Tequila – or adding fruits and herbs using a maceration technique – like with Pechuga style mezcal. The final result is that no two mezcals are the same. Each sip is a unique experience that honours the diverse varieties of agave – the traditions of the region – and the flavour of each place.

The Margarita Cocktail

Be it shaken, blended, frozen, fruity, bitter, or spicy – the Margarita is one of the most beloved cocktails around the world. The history of the Margarita has long been debated, and many people have laid claim to inventing the drink. The Margarita is a sour – a pre-Prohibition family of drinks made with strong, sweet, and sour elements. More specifically, it’s a daisy, which is a sour sweetened with a liqueur. During the U.S. Prohibition, people flocked to bars in Mexico to legally drink. It was only a matter of time before everyone was drinking and mixing with the local spirit, tequila, and the readily available fresh lime juice. While we can’t definitively say who first combined tequila, lime, and orange liqueur in a salt-rimmed glass, we do know that the popular daisy must have been ordered often by its Spanish name, Margarita. The Margarita has continued to evolve over the decades, with countless bars and bartenders developing their own creations. In the 1960s, the Blended Margarita grew in popularity – and in 1971 the newly invented frozen drink machine-made frozen service quick and easy. In the 1980s, bartenders in Texas began adding Grand Marnier to their Margaritas – either floated on top or served on the side, and called it the Cadillac or Top Shelf Margarita. Today we call it the Grand Margarita – A signature serve. The Margarita is the perfect canvas for innovation and experimentation, with the use of many base spirits, modifiers – as well as your own creativity – the possibilities are endless!

Skyy vodka – a bar staple from California Sun, 15 May 2022 17:45:29 +0000 History

SKYY was born in San Francisco in 1992 by an inventor who was driven to create the ultimate vodka martini. He sought to create a better vodka with fewer impurities – and created a proprietary distillation process to do so. He named it after the clear blue San Francisco sky – and put in it in the now iconic blue bottle – the first of its kind. As a true forward-thinking brand with authentic San Franciscan values – SKYY Vodka has surfaced alongside its city in standing for progress through diversity. It was the first spirits company to feature a same-sex female couple in its advertising – and has been actively involved in LGBTQ+ causes from its inception. As a brand guided by innovation – SKYY began exploring naturally occurring elements found in the coastal waters surrounding San Francisco – in order to discover the unique quality that minerals could bring to vodka. As a result, SKYY began enriching the water in their liquid with Pacific minerals to add subtle salinity and minerality – another unique characteristic that embeds the San Francisco Bay Area DNA in every bottle of SKYY.


SKYY is made from 100% American grain – using Corn sourced within a 100-mile radius of the distillery. The grain is milled, mashed, and then fermented using a low congener yeast. The 6% ABV beer is then ready for distillation. SKYY uses a quadruple column distillation process to achieve SKYYgrade distillate – with less than 2.4 parts per million of total congeners. After distillation is complete the new spirit is brought to near bottling strength, with the water used in the dilution of SKYY Vodka undergoing through a purification and mineralization treatment. Key minerals, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium and Potassium, all sourced from the San Francisco Bay Area are added to the water – with each individual mineral chosen to have a specific impact on the flavour, texture and mouthfeel of the vodka. The new vodka is then triple filtered – First through activated charcoal – then California limestone – and finally, through diatomaceous earth. After filtration, the vodka is diluted to its final bottling strength of 40% ABV. The resultant SKYY Vodka is then, and only then, ready to to go into its iconic blue bottle.

Portfolio and Tasting Notes

SKYY Vodka is made with water enriched with local Pacific minerals from the San Francisco Bay – quadruple distilled – then filtered through California limestone for a clean, fresh taste and subtle minerality – designed to add character to a cocktail experience. – It’s the perfect Vodka for a better tasting Vodka & Soda. SKYY’s aroma is fresh and clean – with a faint hint of fruit and toasted grain. Its taste is also clean and smooth – with a subtle salinity and minerality on the palate. The Skyy Infusions range – launched in 2008 – is a unique, 100% allnatural infused experience made with premium SKYY Vodka and succulent real fruit. It begins with real fruit – using only natural aromas, extracts, essences and/or juices during the production process. The infusion is then meticulously filtered to achieve a premium quality – leaving a clear finish, smooth tasting and natural flavour-infused vodka. – and the pure taste of the fresh fruit flavours in SKYY Infusions comes alive best when mixed with soda. Cheers!

Key Message on the Product

Some key points to remember when it comes to SKYY Vodka:

  • SKYY is made with water enriched by minerals – including Pacific minerals from the San Francisco Bay Area – intended to enhance the mouthfeel and fresh taste of a Vodka & Soda. Minerals include Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium and Potassium.
  • SKYY is made using proprietary distillation parameters within a 4- column distillation process – extracting congeners to levels barely detectable by even the most sensitive testing methods. The result is a SKYY-Grade quality liquid – intended to yield a clean and smooth vodka.
  • SKYY is filtered through California limestone – with the intention of reinforcing structure, freshness and minerality.
  • SKYY Infusions are made with real fruit flavours – using only natural aromas, extracts, essences, and/or juices.
  • And finally – SKYY vodka is embedded with the San Francisco Bay Area DNA in every bottle.

Hero Cocktail – The Skyy & Soda

The SKYY and soda is the brand’s signature serve. It’s unique characteristics release a fresh citrus flavour from the grapefruit garnish, perfectly counterbalancing its bitterness, resulting in a smooth and fresh taste experience. Fill a highball glass with cubed ice. Add 1 ½ parts of SKYY Vodka. Top with soda water. Squeeze the grapefruit peel over the top and add to the cocktail as garnish. And serve – Cheers!

A guide to Vodka and its versatility Sun, 15 May 2022 17:45:29 +0000

Vodka is one of the most popular global spirits – and is produced all over the world. Since there is so much variety possible when it comes to vodka – most producers tend to highlight their source materials, distillation style, and filtration methods in order to differentiate themselves. Vodka can be made from any fermentable sugar source – but is traditionally sourced from cereal grains like corn, rye, and winter wheat. It is commonly made in a column still – and most producers distill more than once, as the goal is a clean distillate – free of most congeners. Laws about vodka production vary around the world. For example, in the U.S, vodka must be distilled above 95% ABV and then water must be added to reduce the proof no lower than 40% ABV – however, in the EU that limit is 37.5%. Vodka can also be filtered through any material that cleans impurities including limestone, diatomaceous earth, carbon, quartz, sand, paper, charcoal, and cellulose – among many other things. The possibilities are endless!
