Mezcal Pear Hot Toddy

Anjou Glad I Made It?

Mezcal, Ancho Chili, and a spiced pear syrup combine for an intriguing, unique Hot Toddy.

Mezcal Hot Toddy with Ancho Reyes and Spiced Pear Syrup


  • 1 oz Montelobos Mezcal Espadin
  • 1 oz Ancho Reyes Original
  • .75 oz Anjou Pear Spiced Syrup*
  • .5 oz Lemon Juice
  • 2 oz Hot Water
  1. Fill a footed Toddy glass with hot water to temper, and discard.

  2. Build cocktail in glass.

  3. Garnish with clove-studded Lemon wheel.

*Anjou Pear Spiced Syrup:

  1. Combine 1.5 cups each chopped Anjou pears & water with .5 cup granulated sugar & 3 cinnamon sticks in a saucepan over medium heat.
  2. Stir until sugar is completely dissolved, remove from heat and strain.
  3. Let cool and store refrigerated.