Season 1
Design & Technology

Who are bars designed for?
In this episode, we look at the impact that design and functionality (or the lack thereof) can have when running a bar – exploring how customer experience is only as good as the experience and efficiency of the bartenders themselves.
Along the way, we speak to a bar design expert, innovative bartenders and a tech professional – inspiring our audience with examples of beautiful – and functional – hospitality design, whilst uncovering the spectrum of decisions that can affect (and improve) the day-to-day workings of a bartenders workplace…
Further Reading

10 Ways Instagram Can Improve Your Bar BusinessNowadays, a solid social media presence has become a key asset to a venue’s business strategy. However, you’ll still regularly hear it played down, with people often remarking on how easy it can be (“Oh, a few posts on Instagram, how hard can it be?”). But investing time or money in a high-quality social presence […]

Numbers Game: How Good Bar Design Can Impact Your Bar’s ProfitabilityDesign choices can deeply impact the profitability of a bar. Check out how to implement the best ideas, here

Extracting flavour series: Marcis Dzelzainis on the pros and cons of using a rotovapFor the third instalment of our series, bartender and co-founder of Idyll Drinks Marcis Dzelzainis weighs up whether the mighty rotovap is worth the investment What is a rotovap? A rotary evaporator, or rotovap for short, is a type of still used to distil organic materials in a solvent, under vacuum, and at low temperature. […]

Extracting flavour series: Breaking down how supercritical fluid extraction worksIn the fourth instalment of our series on extracting flavour, head distiller and co-founder of Hepple Spirits Company Chris Garden explains how Hepple uses supercritical fluid extraction to extract juniper oil Supercritical fluid extraction is used in many industries, from the fragrance industry through to the pharmaceutical industry. By applying high pressure and temperature to […]

Simon Ford – How to Create a BrandDiscover every detail you'll need to cover, for you to achieve the perfect brand creation. Here's our chat with Simon Ford

Extracting flavour: Marcis Dzelzainis on how to use an alembic stillFor the sixth installment of our extracting flavour series, bartender and co-founder of Idyll Drinks Marcis Dzelzainis talks alembic stills, from its origins to creating hydrosols and hydrolats – and how it compares to the rotovap If you’ve visited distilleries, the most common type of still you’re likely to have come across is the alembic […]
Discover Campari Academy
With insight and knowledge from industry icon Monica Berg, we’re looking beyond the bar to educate and inspire bartenders at all levels of their careers on a global scale in a way that’s never been seen before.