Cocktail Essentials: Jiggers, Measures and Proportions

In cocktail making – balance is key! Whether we are mixing an equal-parts Negroni – or a more complex recipe like a Mai Tai – It’s important to understand the proportions of a recipe – and equip ourselves with the right tools. Around the world, recipes are written using different scales of measurement. ml are the most accurate, while oz and parts can initially be easier to memorise. Our advice is to stick to one – at least within the same recipe. When measuring your ingredients, it’s recommended to use a jigger for consistency. There’s many different styles of jiggers – and it’s all about finding the one that suits you. Start off with a 30-45ml or a 30-60ml – both are versatile and often feature multiple measuring lines. When pouring, it’s important to be precise: Always make sure that your jigger is parallel to the ground and not slanted – Stop when the liquid hits the mark – be careful not to over or underpour – And when you pour – do it with a single, confident movement. Remember to rinse your jigger before measuring a new ingredient that doesn’t belong to the same recipe – you don’t want to contaminate flavours. So get out there – study different recipes – repeat them using the right measurements – And don’t forget to taste your drinks – to ensure you’re keeping your balance in check!