Capturing Creativity

Capturing Creativity shows a new approach on the history of Campari, with a focus on the people, production secrets and the extremely important connection of this brand with Creativity and Creative Art. Gaspare Campari single handedly created the Bitter Aperitivo category, but if it was for the liquid alone, Campari wouldn’t be what it is today. Always at the forefront of collaborating and supporting Creatives of different times, Campari championed Creative Art in marketing campaigns since the XIX century and we are not considering to stop.
We pride ourselves of inspiring Creativity through our Passion. In this session, expect snippets of artworks and campaigns that revolutionised the market and a complete understanding of what makes Bitter Campari unique (at least for what we can disclose with you). We’ll also focus on a true collaboration between creative minds, introducing you to the iconic world of CampariSoda. Our aim is to empower you with as much creative inputs as we can, to help you drive and shape the industry we all love.