
SYDNEY BAR WEEK - Dave Arnold Tech Symposium RecapFor the final Sydney Bar Week (25 years!) Campari Academy hosted a Tech Symposium for 120 of the most influential bartenders from across the nation, featuring the one and only Dave Arnold. This was Dave’s first time in Australia, celebrating the 10th anniversary of the bartender’s bible Liquid Intelligence. For two hours Dave took us […]

Nature to Nurture, with Sharon Flynn.The Campari Academy launched their 2021 Masterclass Program with Nature to Nurture with ‘Australia’s leading expert on Fermentation’ : Sharon Flynn. This session took a deep dive into what fermentation is, what it isn’t, then analyzed different approaches to fermenting for flavour creation, and things to consider when nurturing a fermentation culture in in your venue, or at […]

How Bars Helped Shaping the LGBTQ+ movementA deep dive into LGBTQ+ history, and its link with bar culture, thanks to Professor Daniel Hurewitz

Standing the Test of Time: Kirsten Holm and K-BarDive into Copenhagen's bar scene, with the woman who started it: Kirsten Holm and her twenty years old K-Bar

So Why Focus On Inclusivity, and Not Diversity?Insights from Monica Berg, about how diversity and inclusivity live together, and what's fundamental to do, in order to achieve both.

Drink Like a Local: 5 Bars in Rome You Can't MissThe Eternal City: though famous for its history, landmarks and cuisine, Rome also offers equally superb experiences when it comes to drinking, and the recent Rome Bar Show proved it. Here is a shortlist of the five bars in Rome you must try, for a proper dive into the Capital’s night life. JERRY THOMAS SPEAKEASY […]

Drink like a local: From Spritz To LimoncelloDiscover the deep rooted history of Italian drinking culture and how it's no 'one size fits all'.